The best provider of identification and security systems
The Identification System is the process of authenticating a specific individual to gain access to the premises. Identification of physical access control systems can be done in different ways such as RFID, biometrics etc. CARDLINEUAE.COM is the best physical security system and identification solution provider in Dubai, UAE, Middle East and Africa.
An access control system is used to authorize or deny a specific person access to the premises. The access control system can also be role-based, so users belong to a specific role, guest department, designation, etc. can access environments through the access control system software, which can be customized by the administrator. An effective access control system has several advantages, such as: B. reducing operational costs, improving internal security, generating advanced reports and submitting to various programs such as time tracking, etc.
Identification is an important part of an access control system. Identification is the process of identifying a specific individual based on credentials submitted by the user. There are various techniques that can be used to identify an individual in the identification process, such as RFID, biometrics, PIN code, etc. With the RFID system, the user receives a proximity card that he can print out on the identification printer. In addition to printing, an ID card printer can have an encoder, laminator, etc. An identification system based on RFID has several advantages and disadvantages.
The main disadvantage of the RFID system is that the card can be lost or stolen and unauthorized persons can enter the premises. To circumvent these inconveniences, card and PIN access can be granted, which is being adopted by many organizations such as government and parastatal companies.
The identification process may use biometrics as another technique to allow an individual to enter the premises. Biometric systems that use a person’s physical characteristics that are unique to each person, such as B. Fingerprints, palm geography, facial recognition, iris, etc. The main advantage of a biometric personal identification system is that it cannot be reproduced or replicated.
Fingerprint identification is the most commonly used identification technique in access control systems. Fingerprint systems are most commonly used in timesheet systems, driver’s licenses, ID cards and more. Fingerprint recognition involves comparing the person’s fingerprint image with the image previously stored in the system. The fingerprint can be stored as a string or as a byte in the database.
The face recognition system compares the human facial image with the previously recorded digital image. Devices from various well-known brands are available and can support both digital, facial and RFID systems.
In access control systems other than individual identification, it can also refer to other devices such as vehicles, etc. The license plate number is scanned in the access control system and it is checked whether the vehicle is the author of the access to the parking lot. With a vehicle identification method other than ANPR, separate UHF cards can be issued for each vehicle. UHF cards are long range reader cards and the range can vary from a meter to ten meters or more.
Device identification can also be done through asset management software, which is more commonly used in warehouses.