7 ways to avoid Windows-based attacks

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7 ways to avoid Windows-based attacks

Cyber ​​attacks are now more complex than ever. While some cybercriminals still operate at the level of a teenager typing on a keyboard and texting via messaging apps, most of them now have PhDs and desks in air-conditioned offices with electricity and other modern conveniences.

These experts know how to exploit any vulnerability in your system to enter your network and steal your data or use it as a springboard for further attacks. To stay protected from these sophisticated attackers and reduce the risk of being targeted by guest posts, you need to implement many security measures. You can achieve this by hiring a cybersecurity company. After all, there is no single solution that can combat all cyber threats; Instead of this,

Change default passwords
While it can be tempting to use the same password across multiple accounts and applications, it’s not a good idea. As the saying goes, “If Wall Street bankers don’t get it right, why should we be less careful?” That means if you want to protect your information and network from cyber threats, you need to be just as careful about your security practices proceed. When it comes to passwords, don’t make the mistake of using simple words and phrases that are taken out of context. Instead, use a password that is a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Also read our previous blog: How to block fraudulent and fake emails: Learn how to decipher phishing attempts

Educate your employees about hazards and precautions
Protecting the workplace from cyber threats doesn’t seem to be a priority for most people. But if an attacker manages to penetrate a network, the damage they can do is enormous. In fact, the average cost of a data breach is $3.95 million.

encryption is the key
encryption is the most important security tool you can use on a Windows network. This is a process that converts data into an unreadable and therefore practically unreadable format. The problem is that not all cryptographers are the same. Some may be easy to crack, while others are so advanced that even a well-resourced team of cybercriminals would have to work months to crack theme.

Windows update
Updating your Windows software is essential to protecting your network. When new patches are released, researchers typically find and fix a variety of vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems. However, because these vulnerabilities tend to go unnoticed until a hacker finds them and exploits them to penetrate your network, keeping your software up to date is key to protecting yourself.

Restrict users’ access to your network
Cyber ​​criminals are always looking for networks to penetrate and use as a springboard for new attacks. And while some networks are more vulnerable than others, they all have one thing in common: they’re connected to the internet. Before you make your network with Internet available to your employees or customers, consider who you want to grant access to and for how long.

Implement strong user authentication
To prevent hackers from entering your network and stealing your data, you must implement strong user authentication such as two-factor authentication. It is therefore not surprising that it is one of the first security measures that can be implemented in a Windows network.

protection with network tools and other software
To effectively secure your Windows network, you need to make sure your devices are as secure as possible. To do this, you can use the advanced security features of Windows 10 or enable hardware security on your PC. You can also use network tools and other software to secure your network.

penetration testing can help

pen testing is a type of security testing that focuses on the implementation, configuration and operation of the system. Pentest is used to test system security against different types of attacks, e.g. B. Application layer attacks, network layer attacks and protocol layer attacks.

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